Become a member
Become a member
Have you ever thought about joining Durham Dramatic Society? If the answer is yes, here are some points you may wish to consider.
We currently have four levels of membership: Full, Family, Junior/Student and Mailing List. The first three categories of membership give you the following benefits:
Reduced Ticket Prices
News letter five times a year
Invitations to social events
Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (not Junior category)
Full eligibility to take part in all of our productions, either on stage (if cast!), backstage or front of house
Do please consider joining us. All of our current members are keen to welcome new friends. At this time we especially need to recruit members who are able to help out with set construction. We are also particularly anxious to recruit people in the 20-39 age range who are keen to act – previous experience, although helpful, is not essential – help will be given! (This is not to suggest that we do not want would-be actors whose age falls outside the specified range – all are welcome!)
If you feel you would like to join and become part of the vibrant North East theatre scene, please contact us via [email protected]
You may, however, prefer to have just Mailing List Membership. This would mean that you will receive a reduced-price advance booking form for every production!
To take advantage of any type of membership, please drop a line to Wendy Smith, 4 Valeside, Durham DH1 4RF, giving your name, address and telephone number, and indicating which category of membership you require. You can also e-mail the society at [email protected] or simply complete the form below.
Membership Costs are: Full £25, Family £50, Junior £12.50 and Mailing List £6 per year.
Please complete the form below for more information or to apply for membership